Bitcoin Mining NFT

Computing power
SHA256 MiningYearly boost
Earn 6% more
every year
Stacks up to 5 years
ROI Calculator
The time for which to calculate ROI1 Month
5 Years
Bitcoin price increase x
How many times you expect Bitcoin price to multiply0%
Anticipated ROI
Gross reward
Payback period
8 months
Breakdown of earnings
NFT Mint price
Total invested $
Total BTC mined
0.00026240 btc
Mined USD value
Estimations are based on current Bitcoin price, hashrate and other conditions that might affect pricing, thus it might not reflect the actual results and the investment.
Selected NFT Miner mines Bitcoin with hashrate of 1.31TH/s with SHA256 Algorithm.
First year of maintenance is included on the Mint price of the NFT miner, but to keep the NFT miner active a payment of 56.8$ needs to be done yearly through our Cloud mining platform to cover electricity costs and possible maintenance of the machine.
After each year of mining a 6% boost will be applied to hashrate for up to 5 years. Each boost stacks on top of last, so after first year your earnings will multiply by 6%, after second year 12%, and so on, until finally reaching maximum boost of 34% after 5 years.
The miner stays active as long as the maintenance fees are paid as many years as you want.
As soon as payment is received the NFT miner will be deployed to your account and it will instantly start mining Bitcoin.
First year of maintenance is included on the Mint price of the NFT miner, but to keep the NFT miner active a payment of 56.8$ needs to be done yearly through our Cloud mining platform to cover electricity costs and possible maintenance of the machine.
After each year of mining a 6% boost will be applied to hashrate for up to 5 years. Each boost stacks on top of last, so after first year your earnings will multiply by 6%, after second year 12%, and so on, until finally reaching maximum boost of 34% after 5 years.
The miner stays active as long as the maintenance fees are paid as many years as you want.
As soon as payment is received the NFT miner will be deployed to your account and it will instantly start mining Bitcoin.